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Edwin Quijada

Make eye contact - Connect with them!

“Our number one tip for speakers on the day of your talk is to make regular eye contact with audience members,". Speakers should build trust if they expect to make a connection with their audience. The best tool available to a speaker is the one they are using, a natural smile. "Great speakers find a way to make an early connection with their audience, it can be as simple as walking with confidence on stage, looking around, making eye contact with two or three people and smiling."

Show vulnerability, relevant information!

"One of the best ways to disarm an audience is to first reveal their own vulnerability.” Vulnerability is something to be treasured, not hidden.

However, it is important to be clear about the intention behind what you choose to share with the audience. "Is the sharing done in the service of the work on stage or is it a way of working through their own things? The first is powerful, the latter damages." The vulnerability Authentic is powerful. Sharing too much is not”

Make them laugh but without comedy

Humor has become a secret weapon for many great, insightful, stimulating and entertaining speakers, the magic formula to win over an audience. "Audiences who laugh with you quickly come to you, and if people like you are much more willing to take seriously what you have." Humor in the form of anecdotal observations works more effectively than artificial jokes. If you can find just a short story that makes people smile, you can unlock the rest of your talk.

Forget about your ego - Its not about you!

This is great advice and applies to any form of business communication. Do not boast. Do not be full of yourself. Nothing harms the prospects of a talk other than the feeling that the speaker is a blow. Remember that the purpose of your talk is to give an idea, not self-promote."

Tell a story - Never make a point without story, never tell a story without a point

Almost every big SPEAKER presentation starts with a story, and there's a good reason why they do it. The stories are irresistible. "The stories helped make us who we are ... we love hearing stories and stories that probably helped shape how our minds share and receive information." – Have you ever seen John Maxwell in action???

Some of the most viral presentations were 65% to 72% of history, or what Aristotle called "pathos [a quality in life or art that causes feelings of sadness or sympathy]". The conversations we remember are memorable because ideas are presented in narrative form.

"The stories that can generate the best connection are stories about you personally or about people close to you." The stories of failure, awkwardness, misfortune, danger or disaster, counted authentically, are often the moment when listeners go from the simple Vanilla interest to deep commitment.

And above all, practice - Practice - PRACTICE, and then practice some more...


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