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Our Coaching 4 Coaches program is not just about information, It’s a learning experience revolving around taking action by implementing a different approach that might feel counter-intuitive, with a simple objective in mind, to share with our clients our own experiences, mistakes, successes, and best practices to help them develop a thriving business, in the business of coaching, not the coaching business. 


The Business of Coaching, NOT the Coaching Business!!!

Most of the coaching schools/institutes focus on teaching methods to become a coach but none of them teach you how to become a prosperous coach.
















As one of my mentors put it: "The bar to enter into the coaching business is very low, but the bar to be successful is very high."

That's why we have decided to offer this service, with the only purpose in mind of sharing with you our experiences, mistakes, failures, successes, and practices to achieve a successful, thriving business, in the business of coaching, not the coaching business. 


The book, the prosperous coach, written by my coaches/mentors Rich Litvin-Steve Chandler, mentions, If you don't have a CLIENT, you are not a COACH! Clients are not found. nor are attracted, they are CREATED, one conversation at a time!


If you want results that you have never obtained, you need to do things you have never done before!

Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity, "Doing the same thing over and over, and expect different results”- If you are looking for different results, do not always do the same.


Join us and experience a system that will allow you the opportunity to make a greater impact on your clients by revealing that it is possible to live the life that they have decided to create.


If you are:

  • A successful, high-performing leader who has transitioned into coaching (or maybe you want to)...

  • A coach who wants to develop your coaching and leadership skills…

  • A coach who wants to coach powerful leaders...


We got great news for you. Welcome! you're in the right place.


Only 50% of becoming a successful coach is about the quality of your coaching, It's the other 50% that will determine if you thrive as a coach. The prosperous Coach calls this "Creating Clients."

Others call it "Getting Clients" or even worse, "Attracting Clients." And most coaches call this the "hard" part. But as long as it remains the "hard" part, you will have a hard time succeeding.

Our objective is to have you LOVE this part of your coaching practice. Our desire is to have you master the art of creating clients. 

















Most coaches do more and more coaching training. They invest more time and more money in becoming a better coach. They enjoy this part and they spend money, time, and energy doing that.


But most coaches hate the business of coaching, because to them, it means selling, asking, and begging for money.

We teach you how to enroll clients by coaching them, so if it is coaching you, love, you are going to love our enrollment process, because it’s about doing more of the part you do love, coaching,...yeah, coaching your next client…


I too had to learn to enroll my clients by coaching them. It really was as simple as that. If you were to observe me on a coaching session you would have a hard time differentiating whether I was speaking to a current client or creating a new one. - EQ


To create a thriving practice with just a few high-performing, high-paying clients you don't need lots of marketing and social media posting. All you need is your coaching skills.


The moment I began to slow down my initial conversations with potential clients, my life changed. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was learning to love that part of the business of coaching. Now, I will never meet with a potential 1/1 client for less than two hours. And all I ever do to “sell” is to create a powerful coaching experience, a powerful coaching conversation. So now there is no more selling, there is just more coaching. There is no “selling” part, only the part I truly enjoy. So Coach powerfully your next client - EQ


Our PROMISE; You will learn the art of SELLING the UNSEEABLE, by DEMONSTRATING what's POSSIBLE!



  • Client creation

  • Learn to love enrolling clients​

  • Don’t sell, SERVE

  • Fearless Coaching

  • Deep Coaching

  • Astonish your clients - Coach the client, not the problem



  • Let go of your fear of being needy, pushy, or disliked.

  • Be authentic and vulnerable with your clients.

  • Ask for what you really, really want.

  • It’s time to only coach clients who inspire you.

  • Master the way you communicate.

  • Recognize the value you create for your clients and make bolder proposals!



To be an Extraordinary Fearless Coach, your mission is to relentlessly seek out the genius of the person in front of you.

  • Do not accept the problems they believe they have.

  • Do not answer the first questions they ask you.

  • Do not let them convince you they are anything less than powerful.


Be relentless in believing in them. If you want to be an Extraordinary Fearless Coach, stop solving the ‘problems’ your clients bring to the table. Instead, dive deeper into their dreams and their desires than they’ve ever dared to go.

Help them dream bigger than they’ve ever dreamed. And then help them get there, one tiny step at a time.


  • Our Coaching sessions will be based on your questions, your case studies, and on your actual clients and potential clients' problems.

  • Our coaching' session is designed on a fearless and deep coaching platform. I make a commitment to serve you, powerfully, with authenticity, to tell you the things that you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear. and I promise to hold nothing back.
























​Call us: 954-444-7440

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